Time for a new generation of leaders to step up!
Affordable Housing
Promote Affordable Housing by supporting initiatives that improve cost-effectiveness of building projects.
Low-Cost Clean Energy
Encourage Innovation and Adoption of clean energy with incentives that support business and consumers.
Reduce Property Taxes
Recognize the contribution of homeowners with affordable taxation and smart fiscal policies using their funds wisely.
Strengthen Public Education
Education is investment in our future. Supporting strong primary and secondary school structure just makes sense.
Improve Opportunities for Our Children
Encourage learning opportunities both through schools and extracurricular.
Jerry has enjoyed a successful career as an entrepreneur in the medical field, where he continues to run a consulting firm that supports developers of novel medical technology. Jerry has served two terms in the New Hampshire legislature where he has risen to the position of Clerk of the House Finance Committee. When he’s not promoting innovative healthcare solutions, he enjoys spending time with his two adult children, Adam and Abby, his grandchildren, Elizabeth and Michael.

BS; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MBA; Harvard Business School

Entrepreneur in Medical Technology – cofounder of 5 start ups
Currently CEO of Medical Technology Partners, a medical technology consulting company

President, Lincoln-Woodstock Rotary Club (2023-2024)
Trustee, Jean’s Playhouse (2020 – present)
New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (Board Member, Treasurer)
President, Field’s Road Elementary School Parent Teacher Association
Big Brother in Big Brother/Big Sister Program
Sang with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, the official chorus of the Boston Symphony
Time for a new generation of leaders to step up!